Logo Garage cu descriptor

You are now one step closer to Rubik Garage!
Continue your journey by filling in your details via f6s platform
until March 5th, 23:59.

We will review your application together with our strategic partners: Startup Wise Guys, Fortech Investments, ROCAX, and Seedblink.
*Expect our response between the 7-10th of March.
*If selected, we’ll see you at the kick-off Founders Bootcamp in Piatra Neamt, Romania, on the 22-24th of March!
Good luck!

Logo Garage cu descriptor

You are now one step closer to Rubik Garage!
Continue your journey by filling in your details via f6s platform until March 5th, 23:59.

We will review your application together with our strategic partners: Startup Wise Guys, Fortech Investments, ROCA X, and Seedblink.
*Expect our response between the 7-10th of March.
*If selected, we’ll see you at the kick-off Founders Bootcamp in Piatra Neamt, Romania, on the 22-24th of March!
Good luck!